Equality, Diversity & Inclusion

Championing Diversity

We are wholeheartedly dedicated to nurturing an inclusive environment that not only celebrates but also values the rich tapestry of diversity within our team. Additionally, we are committed to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and are well-prepared to guide our clients on the profound significance of Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) within their own organisations.

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We're On A Mission To Unlock Life-Changing Opportunities, For Everyone.

Driving positive change

Addressing the ED&I Challenge

At Understanding Recruitment NFP, we recognise the vital role that nonprofits play in addressing societal challenges. These organisations are at the forefront of driving positive change, advocating for vulnerable communities, and promoting social justice. In this context, fostering an inclusive, diverse, and equitable workforce is not merely a choice but a necessity. Our commitment to assisting nonprofits in tackling these pressing issues is unwavering.

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Equitable Hiring: Get Guidance On Promoting Diversity & Inclusion

This guides offer comprehensive strategies for organisations in the charity and public sectors to foster equality and diversity within their hiring processes. 

Download your copy to take the first step towards creating a more inclusive and diverse workforce in your organisation or get in touch to book a consultation call.

How We Help Clients With ED&I

We’ve invested in state-of-the-art video engagement technology that allows us to present candidates to our clients in a far more efficient light.

Video puts human interaction at the heart of the recruitment process and is a great tool to:

  • Remove unconscious bias
  • Reach a more diverse pool of talent
  • Speed up the recruitment process

Our consultants are all trained on Equal Opportunities Legislation and know what a positive impact a diverse workforce has on your business's success. They also understand diversity-related policies, processes and metrics and will use these throughout the recruitment process to help you succeed.

To help you achieve your diversity and inclusion KPI’s we offer market mapping. This means that we map and locate the ‘travel to work’ population in the relevant geographical areas. This information sets a benchmark for all applications and compares how applicants reflect the diversity of talent available.

We then measure our shortlists against the wider talent market and provide you with the relevant data and insights. If the talent pool is not supportive of your diversity and inclusion KPI’s, we'll work with you to find the root of the issue and come up with solutions that will improve our reach.

Let's face it, writing job specifications can be a time-consuming task. That's why we're on hand to help! We'll work with you to create attractive job specifications and use clever decoders to make sure any unconscious bias language is removed, meaning a broader spectrum of applicants will be reached.

We take a consultative approach and will work together with hiring managers to stress test job specifications. We can also review job requirements with you to see if they can be reshaped to help you achieve your diversity and inclusion objectives.

All our consultants are trained on diversity and inclusion as well as unconscious bias, but we understand that not all hiring managers will have been. To support an inclusive recruitment process, we can anonymise CV’s and provide bespoke candidate profiles that outline the skills and experience they have in line with the job specification.

We can offer psychometric testing facilities such as numerical, verbal and inductive reasoning tests, critical thinking, data analysis, situational judgement, and personality tests. These tests are a great method to reduce candidate pools subjectively and provide valuable insight into critical hires. We'll manage all testing on your behalf and provide you with the results benchmarked against the group norms or a prior agreed qualifying score. 

As an established recruitment consultancy, we have access to a diverse pool of talent. Through our internal CRM system, job boards and other platforms we have far-reaching searchability and advertisement capabilities. We can also place advertisements through a diverse range of on or offline media to help aid your diversity and inclusion initiatives, such as:

  • Asian News
  • The Ethnic Jobsite
  • Eastern Eye
  • The Voice
  • Remploy
  • Disability Jobsite
  • Disabled GO
  • Disability Now
  • Stonewall
  • The Circa Club
  • Pink Paper
  • Maturity Works
  • Prime 50 Plus
  • Working Mums
  • Women in Technology

Supporting your diversity and inclusion initiatives is important to us. This is why we track the diversity profile of all candidates in the process, from attraction to the appointment stage, and keep you up to date with our findings.

Based on the diversity data candidates submit during the application process we are then able to give you a full picture of how far-reaching our search was, while also giving you a clear view of the diversity of the talent pool.

Specialised Expertise

Our team has in-depth knowledge of the unique challenges and opportunities that nonprofits face and specialise purely in this sector. We understand that the success of a nonprofit hinges on its ability to engage with diverse communities effectively. Our expertise enables us to align recruitment strategies with the values and mission of nonprofits.

Tailored Recruitment Solutions

We recognise that the nonprofit sector encompasses a wide array of causes and needs. Our approach is not one-size-fits-all. Instead, we work closely with nonprofit organisations to design tailored recruitment solutions that address their specific goals. This includes identifying diverse talent that can best serve the organisation's mission.

Building Inclusive Teams

Our mission is to help nonprofit organisations build teams that reflect the diversity of the communities they serve. By identifying and attracting candidates from various backgrounds, we empower nonprofits to create inclusive environments where every voice is heard and valued.

Adherence to Regulations

We are well-versed in the legal and regulatory requirements that apply to the nonprofit sector, ensuring that all recruitment processes are in full compliance with EDI laws and guidelines. This minimises risks and supports good governance.

Supporting Organisational Impact

Our work is not just about filling positions; it's about supporting the broader impact of nonprofits. Our diverse and inclusive recruitment strategies enable nonprofits to enhance their decision-making, foster innovation, and gain the trust of the communities they serve.

Leading by Example

We practice what we preach. Our own team is a testament to the power of diversity and inclusion. We are committed to maintaining a workforce that reflects the values we promote, reinforcing the importance of EDI at every level.

Cultivating positive impact

Our Corporate Social Responsibility Initiatives

As a member of the Understanding Recruitment Group, we have always held a deep commitment to giving back and making a positive impact in our communities. Our dedication to Corporate Social Responsibility is at the heart of our values, driving us to contribute to causes and initiatives that matter most. We are proud to be part of an organisation that prioritises social responsibility and takes meaningful steps to create a better world.

Find Out More

Some More Steps We've Taken In Our Business:

Tech Talent Charter Signatories

In recognition of the pivotal role diversity and inclusion play in the tech industry, we proudly announce our signatory status with the Tech Talent Charter, uniting over 700 organisations in driving change. Embracing this initiative reflects our commitment to fostering inclusivity and aligns seamlessly with our ethos of continuous improvement. Spearheaded to address underrepresentation, the Charter empowers organisations with resources and networks to cultivate diverse tech talent. Our involvement signifies a pledge to enact tangible change, extending beyond our organisation to contribute to a more inclusive tech ecosystem.

Neurodiversity in Business (NiB) Corporate Member

As a corporate member of Neurodiversity in Business, we are committed to fostering an inclusive work environment where the unique talents and perspectives of individuals with neurodiverse conditions are valued and celebrated. Through our membership, we actively promote awareness, understanding, and accommodation for neurodiverse employees, ensuring they have the support they need to thrive professionally. By embracing neurodiversity, we recognise the inherent strengths and contributions that neurodiverse individuals bring to our organisation, driving innovation, creativity, and success. Through ongoing education, advocacy, and collaboration, we strive to create a workplace culture that embraces diversity in all its forms, ultimately enriching our company and community as a whole.

Disability Confident Employer

We are proud to announce our participation in the Disability Confident Scheme, reaffirming our commitment to inclusivity and support for individuals with disabilities. Through out engagement with the Disability Confident Scheme, we will actively work towards removing barriers and fostering a workplace culture that embraces the unique talents and contributions of individuals with disabilities. 

Partnership With APSCO's Embrace

Our partnership with APSCo Embrace drives positive change, empowering women professionals and fostering diversity in the recruitment industry. Together, we champion gender equality, support advancement, and create inclusive opportunities.

Training Our People

We provide comprehensive training programmes to foster a culture of inclusivity and awareness. Our training covers crucial topics such as Employment law, Intro to ED&I, Unconscious Biases, Keeping it Inclusive, and Microaggression training. Additionally, we offer management training to enhance confidence in having difficult conversations, addressing employee grievances, and promoting inclusivity. 

Women in Recruitment

As part of the Understanding Recruitment Group, we're proud to say that 40% of our employees across the UK and the US are women, with the number of women increasing from 30 at the end of 2021 to 43 at the end of 2022. We prioritise equal opportunities for women and showcase our support through enhanced maternity pay, flexibility for working parents, and a Diversity & Inclusion Committee. Out Women in UR initiative also meets regularly to discuss improvement ideas, with inspirational guest speakers sharing their recruitment careers stories with the team. 

Mental Health & Wellbeing

We prioritise the mental health and well-being of our employees, recognising the potential stress that can come with the recruitment industry. To support our team, we offer access to an Employee Assistance Programme and provide a subscription to the Calm app, ensuring that our employees have resource and tools to prioritise their mental well-being. Additionally, we have established a dedicated Wellbeing Committee and have trained Mental Health First Aiders in place to provide support and assistance when needed.

In-house Mentoring Programme

We have implemented an exciting mentoring programme designed to empower and develop the skills of all our employees. This initiative offers a valuable opportunity for individuals at any stage of their careers to engage in a mentoring relationship, fostering personal and professional growth. 

Clear & Objective Promotion Criteria

We have established clear and objective promotion criteria for all levels with the aim of creating a transparent and fair system that enables every employee to have a clear path for progression. By removing subjectivity from equation, we ensure that career advancement is based on merit, making it attainable and equitable for all individuals within our organisation. 

Improving Hiring Processes

We have also conducted a thorough review of our hiring process, identifying barriers and implementing solutions, standardising the interview process, and revamping our competency framework. We also provide valuable resources through our online learning platform, including bitesize information on various ED&I topics and a new library dedicated to ED&I content.

Revised Internal Interview Processes

As part of ongoing efforts, we have introduced skill and competency-based interviews, designed to focus on the qualifications and abilities for candidates rather than subjective factors. By implementing this approach, we aim to create a more objective and equitable interview experience for all applicants. 
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Is your organisation seeking passionate, talented individuals to drive positive change? Let's collaborate! We're here to connect purpose-driven individuals with organisations striving to make a difference. 

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